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Hello, We try to configure Fpolicy throught Ansible to facilitate updates of exclude extension list content manage by security team.In the extension l ...read more
Hello, I’m seeking some clarification on the disk show command in NetApp ONTAP, specifically regarding the difference between physical and usable disk ...read more
Hi,   I would like to test something with Ansible Tower and ONTAP.   It would be great to install the ONTAP Simulator in Google Cloud where I already ...read more
Hey all.In the middle of an upgrade of new FAS2750 via the ONTAP manager web portal. Upgrade is from 9.12.1 P2 -> 9.14.1 P6.  The 1st node in the 2-no ...read more
Ontap 12.1.Is there a way (probably cli or powershell) to pipe all volumes with a status of dry-run and change them to enable?
Hi All,  We have a NetApp integrated to VMware with ONTAP tools for VMware so provision datastores with ONTAP Tools for VMware. When doing this, the L ...read more
Hi, We have a AFF-A250 and upon setting up the cluster we keep getting this error message which appears when we try to add in the second node to the c ...read more